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About Us

For 42 Years we have been supplying companies, organisations, councils and charities, both nationally and overseas with memorable gifts and innovative promotional products.


We again bring together a broad, selective and creative range of top quality gifts from the world's leading manufacturers. With our extensive experience and durable relationships with proven suppliers and finishing services, we confidently deal with the largest orders and also maintain flexibility to fulfil orders which may comprise of fewer numbers.


Promotions, incentives, awards, gifts no matter what the occasion, all depend on overall quality to achieve vital good first impressions. Nothing has greater power to communicate more about your company or your products and service, than a gift bearing your corporate image.


Call now to discuss or e-mail us with your requirements. 

Remember, we source extensively, so whether illustrated or not, products are known and available to us and you!


We are always here to help promote your company and never forget, your deadlines are our business!


Tel: 01403-255427





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